Thursday, February 2, 2017

What to expect from the St.Paul,MN police when you report a crime they arrest the crime victim!!

On Oct 21,2015 crime victim notify's Ramsey County's attorney office of a crime being committed against crime victim. Which was refereed to Ramsey county criminal director Richard Dusterhoft. In the notification the crime victim reported crime gave the suspects name and the damages this crime caused. In response to this Richard Dusterhoft states I should report said crime to police and I should " Avoid that establishment in the future" Which I am taking as it is OK for someone to commit a crime and cause great damages to the crime victim.

The crime victim reports said crime to St.Paul Police officer Daniel Lee who takes report but does not take all information including information already supplied to the Ramsey county attorneys office and Ramsey County Criminal Director Richard Dusterhoft that would solve the case. St.Paul CN#16-087772 in response 1 week later St.Paul police SGT. Jon Loretz says the case is still pending and to supply information already supplied to the county attorney office and criminal director Richard Dusterhoft that would solve the case.

June 2,2016 the crime victim then files a civil case against Ramsey County in order for them to do their job. In response to the civil complaint Robert Roche defends a crime in a civil suit and blames the crime victim in line 8 of legal response to the complaint. Stating " were caused by the plaintiff's own negligence,fault or wrongful conduct." Re victimizing the crime victim and as the letter from St,Paul police department states it is not solved and is still a pending criminal case. So if it is not solved and still open how could it be the crime victims fault as the Ramsey county attorney's Robert Roche states it is in legal response.

As part of this case a felony criminal damage to a vehicle was committed against the crime victim. The following St. Paul police report shows the St. Paul police response to this crime committed against the victim. The victim was sleeping in the vehicle that was damaged by business listed above and suspect working at said business. As part of their response they arrested the crime victim.
Witness in above police report legal evidence a Ramsey County Sheriff and the St.Paul police can't verify as part of civil suit the car was damaged!

The only suspect of the above reported crime  employees at business at time of committed crime which was given to the Ramsey County Attorneys Office and Ramsey County Criminal Director Richard Dusterhoft but yet the St.Paul Police department can't solve the case??

This letter was supplied to the Ramsey County Criminal director with suspect and information but yet the St.Paul Police can not or will not do their job. But they will take time to talk with the victim of this crime and Re-victimize him.

Part of the damages of the above reported crime and damages caused by the named suspect that the St.Paul police department,Ramsey County Criminal director Richard Dusterhoft and the Ramsey county attorneys office Robert Roche defend this criminal act in the current civil suit.

Part of the damages the victim was on probation as part of the chain of events that led to probation. The victim got upset about this and was placed in jail by Ramsey county probation officer Tim Brunn and ordered to get mental health testing! Re-victimizing the crime victim again:

This was conducted at the People Center located at 425 S.20th st. Mpls,MN 612-305-0288 These recommendations were conducted by a social worker not a medical doctor in a legal situation. Which the  victim did all the testing and all are untrue. So the victim was jailed again ordered to do mental health testing which is medical malpractice testing by a unqualified person and ordered out of his house for being upset about this Reported crime by by Ramsey County Probation officer Tim Brunn who was also provided medical evidence of injury from St.Paul,MN Police department and H.C.M.C Mpls, MN hospital.

Read following link to see how the city of St.Paul and Ramsey county is involved in injury and why they shouldn't be ordering the victim to do anything! So the victim is being ordered by the same county of employees that injured the victim!

Victim goes to H.C.M.C hospital Mpls,MN on his own with no mandate seeking mental health care for assault by St.Paul, MN police department prior to above mandate by St.Paul employee Tim Brunn. H.C.M.C hospital staff assault the assault victim and carry him out of hospital so why would they make him get mental health care after if they carried him out of H.C.M.C???? This is also a conflict of interest for any St.Paul employee to order the victim to do anything because of the following link! read more at following link

Another tax payed employee failing to do anything over said reported crime Kris Sprauge Hennepin county probation officer was informed in writing and is their file and did nothing! But did order me out of my house more then one time for being upset about said reported crime causing a crisis situation,homelessness and great financial damages! With knowledge of injury and a conflict of interest as H.C.M.C hospital staff are Hennepin county employees so they also have a conflict of interest and are connected to how the victim was injured! Read how they are connected: 

So 2 separate county are ignoring the law not doing their job and ordering the person they injured to all of the above!

But yet the Ramsey County Attorneys St.Paul police department and Hennepin county employees won't or refuse to investigate into it or correct said problems!

Victim's police report:

Private Citizen Police Report: # $3,000,000.01

Suspect Name: Athena Gatzke

Victim# Victim #3 John Doe
Suspect in following unsolved crime: St. Paul Police #16085772 Criminal Damage to Property (Felony Over $1500)

Offense Detail: Suspect employed at crime location victim keep busy in business while vehicle was damaged by people employed at business. With malice to cause harm to victim by having the vehicle damaged in a way that could cause harm to the victim while driving.

Employment:  Stripper at the lamplighter lounge location 160 Larpenteur avenue St. Paul, MN no other job on reported tax returns since 2001

Victim: Father of her kids

Solvability Factors: St.Paul C.N.#01-102309 verifies car is damaged with flat tire. Witness reporting caller Ramsey County Sheriff Deputy Daniel J. VANDEBERG. Witness at Car repair shop verify the car had cut marks in back tire that didn’t blow out and the damage was $1500 making it a felony. Owner of the car a witness the car was damaged was not the victims car. Victims family members and the suspect themselves. The Ramsey County Criminal Director Richard Dusterhoft was supplied all this information OCT,21 2015 police need to connect all these people to solve case has been decided by private citizen.
Suspect background:

Criminal History: Dating back to 1999 the year last spoke with victim and 2 years before incident. first 5 convictions are fraud where the victims need to contact the police and banks to clear their names. Similar in aspect to current case. Second similarity another closely connected person was incarcerated over the same suspect. Private citizen does not think that is a coincidence or is there such like that  2 people would be connected to 1 suspect must be connected and related to current case.
Financial Transaction Card Fraud-Violation subd. 2 (6)(7)
Check Forgery-Offer/Possess W/Intent to Defraud
Gross Misdemeanor
Check Forgery-Offer/Possess W/Intent to Defraud
Check Forgery-Offer/Possess W/Intent to Defraud
Check Forgery-Offer/Possess W/Intent to Defraud
Traffic-Drivers License-Driving After Suspension
Drugs - 5th Degree - Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4 - Not Small Amount Marijuana
Theft-False Representation
Give Peace Officer False Name/Birthdate/ID Card

Private Citizen Narrative: That the suspect should be located A.S.A.P. considered to be a danger to innocent people.

BOLO: Issued for above suspect considered dangerous to public.

This is the police job but victim should do this instead of the paid police department!

1.SUSPECT IMPRISONED KIDS DAD over reported crime so they IMPRISONED the crime victim.
2.Crime victim spends $50,0000 defending self over suspects crime.
4.SUSPECT smothered kid high on crack committing homicide.
5.Yet St.Paul police do nothing the SUSPECT is killing and imprisoning innocent people and yet Ramsey county attorney office defends this in a civil suit unbelievably DUMB


Cited case: man set free over company Toyota mfg. defect not someone committing a crime and causing it!

When the above named person's irresponsible actions cause serious consequences to others the police should be correcting the problems caused by named suspect. If they fail to investigate into this then the person is innocent through police and county attorney's office failing to verify facts involving if someone could be innocent.

Feel free to call any of the following and ask why the police would arrest and blame a crime victim or defend it in a civil case that could cost the tax payers money in a civil case.

St.Paul Police department Daniel Lee:651-266-9000 ext 71984
St.Paul Police department SGT.Jon Loretz 651-266-5958
Ramsey County Criminal Division Richard Dusterhoft 651-266-3222
Ramsey County Attorney's Office Robert Roche:651-266-3230
Ramsey County Employee Tim Brunn:  612-596-8236
Hennepin County Employee Kris Sprauge: 612-596-8236

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